Archive for the ‘What if?’ Category

it’s been a little while, but IDRZ still happen – I think the ol’ “Been Busy” post is probably the most common blog post on the Internets – here’s a more recent set of notes from circa end o’ 2007

lonely guy and family guy are same guy (sameguy!) lonely guy is family guy up until, because of cowardice or pride, missed his “chance”

family guy is lonely guy who took the chance, has same house, but also wife, different job and three yr old daughter (ish?)

starts with lonely guy leaving work, calling friends to go out / hang out, (three guys) one has other stuff to do, another has friends, another is answering machine
lonely guy (LG) from here on, goes to supermarket, buys unhealthy food, bachelory stuff, while in line notices a little toddler boy making some “amazing” statement to his dad and his dad just shrugging it in a condescending type “uh-HUH!” way
lg walks out of the supermarket and “another Saturday night” by sam cook plays in a sublte enough way that it doesn’t sound completely contrived, if that is possible …
goes home, eats something, smokes something, plays around on the pc, plays around on the guitar, falls asleep watching rio bravo, wakes up hours later when the dial tone sounds happen at the end of a vhs tape, sits up, rubs his face, bathroom, has another smoke, pours out the last of his beer on an old potted aloe vera, goes to bedroom, takes off shirt, looks at self in the bedroom mirror for a beat, goes to bed drunk, dirty and alone at about 4:00am (with his shoes on)
family guy (fg), thinner and generally tidier than lg, wakes up from same bed in same house has better haircut, shaves in front of a mirror, looks at self for a beat, and walks out of the bathroom, to a louder house, a little girl is heard (3ish) telling mommy that she doesn’t really like these shoes, she likes her jellies the ones that Mema gived her, her mother corrects her “Gave you, honey.“
fg walks in, putting laptop case over shoulder, “gave you honey? Yummers!”
“Morneen daddy.” Continue Reading »

I need to stop view certain things as opportunities and more as distractions.
Oblivion, I’m looking at you.
I dunno, maybe it’s bad shcoolin’…<sic>
Vodpod videos no longer available.

-more laters, promise

Here are some IDRZ I’ve had and collected over the last few years (most materialized w/in the last year to 18 months, for some reason- illuminationsmaybe?). Most of these essays / articles are still in note / rough draft form and too fragmented for general consumption. I will, over the next few months be working on them as I’ve been feeling pundit-y lately, what with all the web logs and such.

the big gaping hole

how I feel then and now
(2001 2004 2007 – dylan, adam, mike, south park republicans, grand elderly party, bleeding wallet liberals, gigantomegacorp, how would Jesus vote? would He even register?)

are apologetics even important?
(any apologetics in this ever spinning world – philosophy, modern thought and science, the Bible)

we live in a cursed world, atheist or not
(you’ve gotta admit it)

2008 baby boomer die-off : retirement
(what’s going to happen to the job market)
Continue Reading »

…Brian Wilson released ‘Dumb Angel’ right before ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’ and changed music history-
Grunge / garage never happened and neither did Emo or the boy band thing.
What would it be?

Maybe we’d rock out to hip-hop jugband?

thanks to d-ro for that memory:
i heard brian say today
why wont wendy bring me home
why wont she believe in me
why wont she pick up the phone

i heard brian say today
i know who receives those calls
i’ve seen all the fires and the wires
hidden behind your walls…

circa something like ’98-’99?
found the txt file on an old 30GB hard drive from back in the heyday of apt.19
sadly, no audio

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    This is a new idea for posting regularly with the only thing I can regularly post about w/o feeling like I'm perpetuating an exercise in vanity. I always have ideas for films, stories, music, poems, photos, art, ect. Here is where I will put them. Also, if I think you have a good idea, I'll put it up here also. I will, of course, give credit where it's due. -j / sg
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    Sometimes ideas will be posted here that don't make much sense. Usually when this happens, it will be one of my personal posts. Sometimes my ideas are half-baked, even for my brain. I apologize for the inevitable confusion. -j
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